I can’t lie, there isn’t a story to backdate with this one. Rushy really came out of nowhere with a bang. 

Infectious flows and relatable punchlines, “Trippidy Trap” his debut video, was always due to clean up the roads. With a blistering live presence, Rushy is definitely going to continue the progress this year. With a great team of friends and advisors behind him, he really is the golden boy of Hayes, West London.

Recording “Trippidy Trap” in 2017, Rushy is now coming into himself as an artist and understanding what pockets he fills, I’m in the studio with him a lot and he gets tighter and tighter with every session. 2020 is going to be an a mad one for Rushy and the Straight3 G’s.


When and where?

22.6.2024 17:00 - 17:45