You can buy tickets for METRONOME PRAGUE 2024 safely and securely ONLY on our website or on the website of the official retailer GoOut. You can also securely SELL or BUY tickets through our partner TicketSwap platform.


TICKETSWAP guarantees a secure, user-friendly and fair ticket purchase/sale experience via its website or apps for your mobile device.



Step 1: Go to THIS WEBSITE

Step 2: Follow the instructions to upload the ticket you want to sell. The uploaded ticket will be verified and then put on sale.

Step 3: Once your ticket has been purchased, the money will be credited to your account, usually on the next working day.

Step 4: The ticket that you have uploaded to Ticketswap becomes INVALID. The buyer will receive a new ticket.



Step 1: Go to THIS WEBSITE

Step 2: Find a retailer you want to buy your ticket from.

Step 3: Your ticket will be emailed to you immediately after payment. You will receive a newly generated ticket (the original one becomes invalid).

Step 4: You can start enjoying Metronome Prague!